Faith,  Motherhood

The Moment She Meets Her Everything

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That moment when they first laid you on my chest.

Even now, I can clearly see that moment in my mind. Your face all squished and the sound of your cries. The first moment when you touched my hand with your little fingers, you reached out and grabbed my heart.

A mother never forgets that moment—the moment when she first meets her everything.

My whole world flipped upside down. My priorities shifted and my perspective on life changed, that’s for sure. And, boy, how I worry (as all mothers do), but those worries turn into prayers. And at that moment, when I held you to my chest, I knew I’d walk through fire to protect you.

I know this, the one thing that will remain constant throughout the rest of my life: my unending love for my child.

You know what I’m talking about, Mama—it’s an unconditional love. It’s so fierce that it hurts. A mother knows there is nothing her child could ever do that would make her stop loving them.

And so, as I held you tight to my chest, I whispered, “Hi, little one. I’m your mama.” 

It’s a beautiful moment when a mother meets her everything . . .

And I imagine at that moment, God smiles down and says, “See, now you know what I feel for you. Now you know, My daughter, what unconditional love really is.”