Faith,  Marriage

He’s Seen Me at My Worse – And Still Loves Me

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He’s seen me at my worse. 

He’s seen the short temper I have and how I can sometimes be filled with anger.

He’s seen me snap at the kids in my not-so-proud-moments. 

He’s heard jealous, judgmental, and hurtful words come out of my mouth. 

He’s occasionally heard a curse word slip out. 

He’s watched me curled up on the bathroom floor fighting my way through a panic attack and he’s talked me down from one over the phone when I wasn’t home. 

He looks at me every morning when we wake up in my unfiltered state. You know, the no make-up, frizzy-haired mess that I am (and that is usually my all-day look). But he still loves the way I look.  

He’s seen me at my worse, that’s for sure. 

And yet, he still loves me. 

I have nothing to hide from him because he’s my husband—for better or for worse. 

And in a way, I feel at ease knowing I have nothing to hide from him. I can be myself with him and know he’ll always love me. Plus, I know he’ll always hold me accountable when I start becoming the angry, snappy, hurtful version of myself mentioned above. He calls me out on it all, but he still loves me. 

Kinda like Jesus. (Yeah, I’m using the word “kinda” tonight.)

Jesus sees the temper and rage. 

Jesus sees the mom snapping at her kids because she’s had a rough day. 

Jesus sees the jealous, judgement, hurtful moments, and oh yes, He heard that curse word too. 

Jesus has held me through a panic attack and helped talk me out of it as well.

Jesus sees me at my worse too. 

And yet, He still loves me. 

There’s something beautiful about a man who can love like Jesus, and that’s my husband right here. He takes me as I am and he carries me through the imperfect moments of my life. 

He loves me—for better . . . or for worse. 

“Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.” -Ephesians 5:25

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