Faith,  Motherhood

What is Advent & How to Celebrate With Your Kids

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Maybe you’ve been a Christian your whole life or maybe you’re new to this all. Or maybe this is your first year as a mama and you’re wondering how to celebrate this Christmas season and Advent with your little ones. I’m here to help you, Mama!

What is Advent? 

The word itself means “coming” or “arrival” and is derived from the Latin word adventus. It is the season where Christians focus on the anticipation of Christ’s coming. A lot of Christians assume it’s the anticipation of celebrating His coming in a manger all those years ago. But when Advent first started in the 6th century, it was actually to focus on the anticipation of Christ’s second coming. 

Here in the year 2021, Advent lasts the four Sundays or weeks before Christmas. (This year it will start on November 28th.) Much like Lent, Advent was originally intended to be a season of fasting to prepare for Christ’s coming. Not all Christian denominations observe Advent, but there are more and more Protestant and Evangelical Christians that are beginning to recognize its significance to keep their focus on the real reason for the season.

The Advent Wreath

The first form of an Advent wreath appeared in 1839 in Germany, however today it has taken on a different look. 

Fun facts about the Advent wreath: 

  • The circle symbolizes God’s never-ending love for us. 
  • The evergreen of the wreath is symbolic of everlasting life. 
  • Sometimes people will add red holly berries and the red symbolizes Christ’s death for us. 
  • And other times, pine cones are added which symbolize the new life we receive through Christ’s death. 

There are four candles around the wreath, with a new candle being lit each Sunday leading up to Christmas. 

Traditionally, the four candles represent hope, faith, joy, and love. The majority of traditions have three purple candles and a fourth pink or rose-colored candle. Some traditions have a fifth candle that is placed in the center of the wreath and lit on Christmas Day. 

Fun Ways to Celebrate With Kids

Okay, now you’re probably thinking, How do I make this fun and interactive for my kids? Well, here are some ideas/products that I’ve gathered for you! (Please note, I am not affiliated with any of the following links and I do not receive any commissions for products that are purchased. Just a mama giving a recommendation!) 

An Advent Calendar: Yes, these are everywhere and we usually see them for kids with chocolate in them. However, here are a couple that are faith-based and still fun for the kids. 

Advent Wreath and Reading Cards: Purchase an Advent Wreath and light the candles with your kids each week! But to make it more kid-friendly and understandable to them, read these cards with them as you pray!

Read Advent Devotionals for Kids or Books Focusing on Advent:

Set Up a Nativity Set With Them AND For Them:

Arts & Crafts Idea Books:

For more reading/references on the history of Advent:

P.S. -Make sure you are subscribed to my newsletter, I’ll be sending out all kinds of additional goodies and resources to subscribers for Christmas!

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