Faith,  Motherhood

Mama, You Were Created For This

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Image by CE Photography, Billings, MT

Mama, you were created for this.

Your back may ache and your feet may be swollen.

You may wonder if you’ll ever fit into those jeans again or if you could possibly throw up anymore. 

You may be concerned about the stretch marks or the acne (or “glow”) that is now on your face. 

You may be scared about the pains of labor or worried about delivering your little one safely. 

You’re feeling all the feels, but here’s a truth for you: God made you for this. 

He made your body to stretch and then shrink back down (or maybe it doesn’t go back all the way, and that’s okay too). 

He made the pains of labor to be, well, painful thanks to Eve taking a bite of some fruit (Genesis 3:16), but He made you strong, Mama. Strong so that you could endure it all. (And it’s okay to use that epidural, too.) 

He made your body to feel all of the emotions of motherhood and to endure it all. All of the joy, pain, and love that comes with it–He knew you could handle it all because you’ll rely on Him throughout it all. 

He made your body to do the miraculous work of creating just that–a miracle. That is the joy and honor that is motherhood. 

And so, those jeans can be bought in another size and that swelling will go down. Those stretch marks and acne may leave scars, but the work of motherhood will leave a far more lasting impact on your heart. 

Mama, you were created for this. 

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