Faith,  Motherhood

Jesus Sacrificed Himself for Me

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The joys of motherhood and what it does to our bodies.

My eyes have bags under them from lack of sleep. 

My pants are so tight I can barely breath in them (I love me some leggings though).

My arms are twice the size that I’d like them to be and I feel uncomfortable in tank tops.

Enough said. 

But let’s be honest: My body will NEVER be the same again. 

Sure, a diet and some cardio can help; but it’s still never going to be 100% back to what it was in my early 20’s. 

It’s birthed babies and it’s changed. 

I’ve sacrificed my body to give life. 

But then I remember Jesus who sacrificed His body for me (literally) so that I may have eternal life. 

I imagine Him up on that cross and how He thought of me as He hung there. 

I picture the lashes He took and the nails being pierced through His skin. 

He made the ultimate sacrifice at Calvary, I know it. 

My body, yes, it may never be back at a size 8, but this body is not my eternal body.

I’m going to get a new body when I go to Heaven, and Jesus made that possible. 

So, I’ll be content with the sacrifices I’ve made here in this body because I know this body gave me my babies. 

This body created life. 

This body is not my forever home. 

Because Jesus sacrificed Himself for me. 

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