Faith,  Motherhood

They’re Gonna Get Lost

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They’re gonna get lost, it’s bound to happen. 

They’re going to question God and whether or not He exists. 

They’re going to feel at times like He’s distant in their lives. 

They’re going to question why He lets them struggle or go through whatever life may throw at them.

They’re going to feel lost, make bad choices, feel like God has abandoned them–it just may all happen. 

It’s just a part of life sometimes. And as a mama, it sucks having to think about it or even more so (I’m assuming, my kids are still toddlers after all) having to watch it all unfold. However . . . 

“Point your kids in the right direction–when they’re old they won’t be lost.” (Proverbs 22:6)

They may get lost, but they’ll be found again. 

He leaves the 99 sheep and goes after the one lost sheep all the time. Every day, He’s shepherding the lost sheep back. 

Your job, Mama, is to point them in the right direction. 

Your job is to plant the seeds and teach them about their Father. 

Your job is to teach them the Gospel and all about Jesus. 

That’s your job. God’s job is to go after the lost. 

I pray whenever my kids feel lost, the truths that I’ve taught them will bring them back to Jesus. 

I pray Jesus brings ‘em home.

Please bring ‘em home.