Faith,  Motherhood

My Body is Beautiful & Sacred

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My body. 

It’s birthed two kids so . . . enough said.

It’s definitely a “mom bod” with my belly that still looks pregnant and those wide hips. 

I’ve got acne scars and stretch marks.

And then there’s my double chin that I’m constantly aware of and trying to angle my head for pictures so I don’t look like Jabba the Hutt. 

But as down as I get about the current state of my body, here’s a truth to hold on to:

My body is a temple for the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19).

God dwells inside me and He has chosen this body as His temple.

My body was bought at a price and Jesus paid that price at Calvary so I could be freed from the chains of sin.

My body isn’t the size of a model. The doctors would probably classify me as “overweight” because of my BMI. (I honestly couldn’t tell you what the number is. I haven’t stepped on a scale in months and I’m okay with that.) 

But my body gave life to two kiddos.

My body is a gift from God. This very life is a gift. 

I am chosen. 




My body is beautiful and it’s sacred.

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