
When Do You Know It’s Your Last Baby?

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I still have it all.

The highchair and the bouncer. 

The bassinet and all of the clothes. 

The breastpump accessories and the baby bath. 

Every. Single. Thing.

I’ve kept it all and I’ve kept it because I don’t know if my last baby was . . . my last. I mean, when do you know you’re done having babies? 

When there’s no more room for car seats and you have to buy a car with a third row . . .

Is it then?

When the house is full and there’s no more rooms available so kids will have to start sharing . . .

Is it then?

When the wallet has been so stretched that you can’t imagine adding the additional cost of MORE diapers and formula . . . 

Is it then?

When your arms are so full as it is and you can’t hold on to another kid . . . 

Is it then?

No, really, I’m asking you. When do you know? (I have no idea.) 

I think a mama has a hard time letting go of the baby stuff no matter whether or not she knows she’s having more. It’s memories. (A storage room and half full of memories, but I digress.) 

So, for now, I’m gonna hold on to it all. I’m going keep it because I have no clue whether or not my last baby . . . 

Was in fact my last baby. 

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