Faith,  Motherhood

Planting Seeds Every Day

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“Yeah, Mommy isn’t very great at planting stuff, so we’ll see if anything grows.”

I’m not a plant person. 

I’d love to say that I am, but it’s not my thing. I don’t have a green thumb, I forget to water stuff, and as a result . . . it dies. 

However, when I said these words to my son, I heard that little whisper from God:

“You’re planting stuff every day, Courtney.”

It’s true, as moms, we’re planting seeds every moment of every day.

Every Bible story we read to our kids.

Every mealtime prayer where we bow our heads and thank Him for the food in front of us and the family next to us.

Every moment where we remind our kids to use their manners and to be kind to others.

Every story we read where they’re learning new words, concepts, ideas–the whole wide world.

Every little reminder that “Mommy loves you and God loves you more.”

It’s all little seeds being planted every day.

Sure, we may not get to see it all take root until years later. We’ll pray our kids grow up to be caring and love Jesus, but it may take awhile for it to grow. 

But we’re planting seeds every day, Mama.

And God–He’s working to build those roots, nourish those little souls, and He’s going to grow something beautiful from it all. 

Trust that. Trust Him.