Faith,  Motherhood

She’s Sensitive, Just Like Her Mama

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“She just needs to toughen up.”

She’s sensitive, just like her mama. But when I hear someone say she needs to “toughen up,” it got me to thinking: I don’t want her to ever think she’s got to be strong enough to carry it all. 

I don’t want her to bottle up her emotions because she needs to “hold it together.”

I never want her to think her emotions are invalid or that they’re a sign she’s weak.

I don’t want her to think she’s got to keep it all together and hold it in . . . 

I want to teach her to run to Jesus with it all. 

She should never have to think she has to be strong all on her own because she’s not–none of us are. 

It’s in our weaknesses that Christ’s power is made perfect. We’re weak so that His strength can be shown through us. And if she ever thinks she’s got to be tough or strong on her own, then there’s no need for her to rely on Jesus. 

Little girl, cry your eyes out–Jesus is listening and counting your tears.

Let your emotions be known and tell Him what your burdens are.

Take it to Jesus. 

You don’t have to be tough, my daughter . . . 

He’s tough enough for you. 

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