
The World is Your Stage, Little One

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Photo by CE Photography, Billings, MT

The world is your stage, little one. 

Don’t be afraid to take to the stage and show the world how beautiful your little heart is. 

The script is still being written and the cast of characters is always growing. 

But always remember Who is writing that script for your life. 

God is crafting your story together and weaving that cast of characters to intersect and build you up into the person He’s meant you to be. 

He knows the number of hairs on that pretty little head of yours. 

He’s numbered your days, and He knows when and how the final act will play out. 

And He wants you to show the world kindness, love, grace–all of the things that He embodies. 

He wants you to showcase to the world who He is. 

The world is your stage, little one . . .

And I pray you perform for an audience of One.