Faith,  Motherhood

They Are His First

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Photo by Ruth Howard Photography, Missoula, MT

Every day of motherhood is surrendering your child over to God. 

Each day that they grow, develop, and need us less, is letting go and surrendering them over to Him. As much as we want to keep them little forever, we can’t because they are not ours. 

They are His first.

The more we want to control and take charge of their lives, we can’t. We can’t control who their friends will be, who their spouse will be, where they’ll live or what they’ll do for work . . . it’s all God’s way of saying, “You’re not in control. Only Me.” 

And so, we are reminded–they are His first. 

When we send them off to school or daycare and we’re not able to have our eyes on them all of the time, it’s hard for a mama. We feel like we have to be able to protect them from it all and shield them from the world. But we have to surrender them over to His hands. We have to trust that He will watch over them and let Him guide them along. 

Because they are His first. 

They are a gift from God–the most precious gift He will ever give to me. But they’re not mine forever. Just like Hannah, who wept and prayed for a child and once she received the answer to her prayer, she turned her baby back over to the Lord to serve Him. 

All that we have and all that we’re given is from Him–it’s all His. 

So while I’d love to keep them in my home forever and hold them close for the rest of my life, I know I can’t. I can’t control their every move. I can’t dictate or plan out their lives. I can’t have my eyes on them forever. 

My job is to raise them and to make them disciples out of them. The rest is up to Him. He has plans for them. 

All I can do is surrender it all over to the One whose hands hold the whole world. 

Because they are His.