Faith,  Motherhood

Gracefully Stumbling Through Motherhood

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I’m gracefully stumbling my way through motherhood. 

All of the decisions. 

All of the worrying about if I’m doing anything right.

All of the moments of feeling like a complete failure. 

It starts with trying to figure out how to swaddle a newborn, but it doesn’t end there. 

You’ve given life to this little being that holds your heart, and you’re just so worried that something bad will happen to them or that you’ll somehow break them. 

Motherhood is just a constant stream of not knowing what I’m doing, that’s for sure. 

But I’ll tell you one thing–I may not know what I’m doing but He does. 

Sometimes in motherhood, you just need to fall to your knees and say . . . 

“God, I trust You.”