
Evangelism – It’s Not About Us

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Spreading the Gospel and sharing the truth about who Jesus is and what He did for us on that cross–we all know we’re supposed to do it. Jesus tells us to go and make disciples. It’s His Great Commission. 

I’ll be honest, it’s hard. Especially in this day in age. People are so quick to shut you down or immediately pass judgment on you, labeling you one of “those people.” 

It’s frustrating too when someone shuts you down, saying things like, “I believe in science,” or “Yeah, people who think there is a man in the sky controlling us, sounds like crazy talk.” 

And as I was praying for someone one night who is lost, God called me out on my why: I have to be right. 

The heart behind why I want to profess the Gospel and share the good news with everyone, is I have to be right. I have to win the argument so to say. 

And instead, the heart behind it all should be this: I want to SAVE this person. 

Because that’s what true evangelism is, right? It’s about saving the other person and bringing them home. It’s about roundin’ up Jesus’ lost sheep and bringing them back to their Shepherd. 

It’s about ETERNITY. 

It’s not about me and my need to be right or prove someone right. It’s not about me. Period. 

It’s about them. It’s about the lost one. It’s about the Father using me to bring His children home to Him. 

It’s about them–every lost sheep. 

And I pray we bring them home.

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