Faith,  Motherhood

Jesus is How I’m Surviving Motherhood

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Somehow I’m keeping my head above water.

If the kids are fed and I’ve somehow managed to eat a meal in there somewhere.

If the house doesn’t look like a (total) tornado came through it and there’s a path in the middle to walk through.

If the baby’s been fed and is happy, and Mommy has somehow managed to get dressed for the day.

If the laundry has only sat for two days and is only somewhat wrinkly.

If there’s not an odor coming from the sink because of how long the dishes have sat there.

Then I’m keeping my head above water. I’m managing. I’m okay. The kids are okay. It’s all okay.

Somehow I’m surviving . . . 

By the grace of God–that’s how.

Because He’s there to remind me that it’s only my best that is needed. I don’t have to be perfect. The kids will live (as long as they’re fed, of course), and the house–with all its messiness–will still be standing.

And you know what? I don’t need to feel guilty about it. 

Because I’m only one person (did I mention I’m outnumbered?). I’m only human. As long as I love those kids well, do my best every day, and keep my eyes fixated on Jesus, then I’m doing exactly what I need to be.

He’s covered me with His grace.

He’s how I’m keeping my head above water. He’s how I’m surviving motherhood. 

Jesus has me covered.