Faith,  Motherhood

Mom Rage is My Imperfection

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Mom rage.

Yup, we’ve got our own name for it. 

It’s anger but it’s worse–it’s explosive. 

Mama is overstimulated.

Mama is overwhelmed. 

Mama. Is. Angry. 

Doesn’t matter what unleashes it, when it’s here, it’s full-on rage. Whether the kids are bickering at each other or someone is not listening to me, when I let the mom rage takeover, I know I’ve gone too far. 

And, as such, it makes me feel like the #worstmomever.

Not only do I know I have sinned in my anger (Ephesians 4:26) but now I’m dealing with mom guilt on top of the mom rage. (And any other emotion that we’ve claimed as our own.)

Mom rage + mom guilt = I’m a bad mom

But I know I need only confess and the Lord is good and faithful to forgive (1 John 1:9). Not only that but I know it’s important to seek forgiveness from my kids, too. It’s important they know that Mama is a flawed sinner who needs grace. 

I don’t pretend to be a perfect mom. There’s no such thing. If it’s not mom rage, we’re all dealing with something. Some imperfection and sin that makes us rely on Jesus even more. Anger is my sin issue. Mom rage is my flaw. 

And Jesus is who I’m clinging to.

To forgive me.

To sanctify me and make me more like Him.

To lead me as I lead His kids.

To guide me.

To extend this grace to me over and over (and over) again.

Motherhood shouldn’t be done without Jesus, you can’t convince me otherwise.

I’m not a bad mom.

I’m a mom relying on Jesus–the giver of grace.

I’m a work-in-process and a sinful human who needs to send the mom rage packing.

Mom rage is my imperfection. 

That’s what Jesus is working on in me. 

What’s yours?