Faith,  Motherhood

Hey There, Little Peanut

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Hey there, little peanut. 

You have a family out here that cannot wait to meet you. Daddy and siblings who can’t wait to hold you. 

And then there’s me.

I’m your mama, little one.

I’m making a cozy little home for you here for the first nine months of your life. I’m holding you right here, in my womb. 

I feel you fluttering and moving around in there. Boy, you are an active little one. And as I feel your little life inside my belly, I can’t help but wonder, who will you be?

Will you look more like me or your dad?

Will you have my personality or be more like your dad?

What kind of things will excite you or drive you? What will your passions be?

Will you have my curls or your dad’s fine hair?

All of the wondering while I’m waiting. 

But I know Someone who already knows. 

He knew you before you were ever in my womb. He’s knitting you together in there and preparing you for whatever purpose He has for you. 

He knows. 

I’ll hold you in my belly for nine months and then I’ll cling to you in my arms for what won’t seem long enough . . .

But He’s going to hold on to you your whole life . . . 

And until the end of the age.

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart.” -Jeremiah 1:5 

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