
“Home is Wherever I’m With You,” But My Heart Still Longs For Montana

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The saying goes, “home is wherever I’m with you” and people tell me that you have to make your own happiness. And while that all may be true, my heart still longs for home. 

There’s this little place in a corner of the world that not too many people have had the privilege to journey to. Home for me is Missoula, Montana. 

I’m originally from Montana and my husband is from Michigan (that small town girl falling for the city boy, born and raised in south Detroit – sound familiar?) and we moved to Michigan almost 3 years ago.

I would assume the first year living in a new place is the hardest and that it takes time acclimating to any new place. But we’re still missing home and wondering if we should go back. 

To us, this special place has a hold on our hearts. It’s a place that digs down into your soul and makes you sick when you are away from it. 

It’s a place where a river runs straight through town and the entire area is surrounded by mountains. 

It’s where snow capped mountains in April is the norm and farmer’s markets run all year round. 

It’s a place where people you don’t know will start up a conversation with you in the line at Target and where college students ride their bikes all year round or take the bus if the snow is too high. 

It’s filled with live music shows, brew fests and a place where local coffee shops trump Starbucks and everyone buys local.

It’s where fly fishing, white water rafting, hiking, and biking are not just hobbies to do in your free time, it’s a way of life and a sport. 

It’s a place where driving through mountain passes makes you feel closer to God because only He could have created something so wondrously beautiful. 

Yes, I miss home. 

I’ve tried to adjust and become a Michigander. I’ve gone to all the cider mills and seen a Detroit Lions football game. I’ve tried to take sides with the big Michigan versus Michigan State games. And I’ve seen Mackinac Island and too many lakes for me to count (and sorry a lake just can’t compare to the beauty of a mountain). 

This is the only home my children have ever known. This is where all of their firsts have happened and it’s where my second child was born. And while Michigan has its own beauty (and all it’s potholes – if you’re from Michigan, you know what I’m talking about), my heart still misses home.

For now, home is wherever I’m with you my sweet husband. But I think a part of me will always be in Montana. 

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