Faith,  Mental Health

When Life Is More Than You Can Stand, Kneel

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Anyone that’s been in my house knows, I love wooden signs. I have a lot of them. Some give inspiration, others describe my life, and some just go with the decor of the room.

But lately there’s been one that I’ve put front and center on my mantle so I can see it while I rock the baby.

“When life is more than you can stand, kneel.”

This one is the daily reminder I need right now. It’s the story of my life during this season. Why?

Because two months after having a baby, COVID came to the U.S. and I’ve been stuck inside ever since instead of sharing the joy of this new child with family & friends.

Because on top of dealing with postpartum depression, I’m surrounded by pain & suffering in this world and the hate and division that’s come with it.

Because I sit here all day with fear and anxiety and wonder what world I’ve brought my children into and why God would let bad things happen to good people.

Because I don’t know when I’ll see my family again as they are all the way in Montana and I don’t know when I’ll ever feel comfortable traveling again.

Because I’m trapped at home and I’m challenged with teething and tantrums. Every. Single. Day.

Because life is hard right now. It could be harder, yes, this is true. It’s hard for a lot of people right now. Whether you’ve lost someone to COVID or had it yourself, or maybe you’ve lost a job or your business because of it and are facing financial hardship. So yes, I know, it could be so much worse for me. But at this moment, life feels hard to me, and I’m not afraid to say it.

And as someone who’s battled depression, my reminder is that it gets better. It’s gotten better before and it will get better again.

There is a rainbow at the end of every storm. This is just one season of my life, it will get better. Trust in Him and His plan.

So when you’re feeling isolated and don’t know how much longer you can keep this up.


When you feel so broken that you cannot relate to anyone or find someone who understands what you’re going through. 


When you feel like you don’t know how much more you can take and like everything is going wrong (it’s not, it’s His plan).


Yes, when life is too hard to stand, kneel. Pray to Him, read your Bible, hold your little ones close and count your blessings. It gets better and if you don’t believe me, please ask for help, you’re not alone.

And if you feel alone, look up to Him because His eyes are already on you my friend. 

(This piece has been published by Her View From Home)