
The Best Job Title In The World

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My eye was on the next promotion. That was my plan. A role where hundreds of people would rely on me and I would make a huge impact on a growing organization. 

This big promotion would’ve required some off hours here and there as needed but I would still have the weekends and holidays off. 

The job I ended up accepting, there’s only two people that rely on me. The impact is still great but there will be no pay raises and there’s no career ladder for me to rise up. 

Instead, the job I took is 24/7 with no break and you have to figure out when is the best time to shower and eat in between since there’s no set schedule and you’re needed whenever someone screams for you. 

That’s right, I turned down the corporate life and took the job of stay-at-home mom. While I thought I knew where my life was going, God shifted it and pointed me to my true calling in life, the life of a full-time mommy. 

For years I was told you need to go to college and have a career. You need to make something of yourself. That’s what my parents raised me to think so that’s what I went off to do. 

And then I had kids and everyone was saying, “you should stay home with them” or “kids need their mother and shouldn’t be at daycare for 10 hours a day.”

Well you know what, I’ve done both. 

I’ve been a working mom and had the title with all the responsibility. 

I’ve missed moments because I was on my email at the dinner table or working late. 

I’ve had to leave work early to get a sick kid from daycare or go to an event at school. 

I’ve been the stay-at-home mom who’s locked herself up in her bedroom because her children are driving her crazy and I just need a moment. 

I’ve been the mom who’s biggest accomplishments throughout the day include doing the laundry, getting the dishes done, or dressing myself.

I’ve been the mom who’s had the TV on all day long to entertain her child because I’m just too tired or want a day off from it all. 

I’ve done it all and I’ll tell you, neither is easy. Both options are hard. 

You feel guilty if you’re at work, enjoying something that’s just for you but away from your kids. 

You feel guilty when you’re at home and you feel like you’re not contributing to the household like you should. 

And you know what mama, it’s okay to feel guilty. It’s okay to cry when the day has been long and you feel like you can’t stretch yourself to meet all the needs of everyone else. 

There is no right or wrong way. Some women have to work to support their family. And for some women, supporting their family is by staying home with the children. Society tells us women should have equal rights when it comes to having a career and that we are able to “do it all.” We no longer believe in that “I Love Lucy” picture of a wife and mother but that life is okay too. In fact it’s more than okay because it’s the most rewarding job I’ve had in my life! 

If you’re a working mom, I applaud you because it’s hard to be super woman and do it all. 

If you’re a stay-at-home mom, I applaud you because now I have your life and it’s not any less hard than that of the working mom. 

Either way, let’s support moms being moms because really that’s the job title that has the greatest responsibility. That’s the job title that God has handpicked us for and has the biggest impact on your little ones’ life. 

That’s the title that’s the best title in the world, am I right?