Faith,  Motherhood

I Want to Have More Faith Like a Child

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I want to have more faith like a child.

You know, that kind of faith that Jesus talks about in Matthew 18. 

Kids just have faith easily.

You tell them that Jesus loves them more than anything.

They know it.

You tell them that God hears their prayers no matter where they are.

They don’t doubt it, they just pray their sweet little “Dear God” prayers.

You read them the story of Noah and the ark, and they’re not fixating on the how or why; they know it to be a fact. 

You tell them God created them and made them unique.

They know it to be true and don’t second guess it. 

Their faith is just pure and real. 

It’s the size of a mustard seed, but it’ll move mountains. 

They’re not fixating on the evil of this world or how much the devil is accomplishing in his day-to-day–they just see the beauty of this world and how God is the reason for it all. 

As adults, we should all strive to have more faith like a child.

Because that’s the key to entering the kingdom of heaven (Matt. 18:2-4).

Can I get an amen?