
‘Twas the Night Before Mama’s Christmas

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‘Twas the night before Christmas when all through the home; 

not a child was stirring, not even the phone.

Mama had just nestled in with a good book, 

she had just finished wrapping and gave her work one last look.

The gifts she had picked with joy and love 

for the little ones who are her gifts from above.

With care, she ensured trucks and dolls were under the tree,

she imagined their faces opening them and smiled with glee.

She even wrapped her gifts and put them under the tree;

she told herself, “Santa put it there, just for me.”

She then got distracted by the things left to do. 

She knew it’d be a late night, this much was true.

The list she still had to do, the preparations for Christmas dinner—

she hoped her meal would be a winner.

The cookies she had left to decorate, 

she took one last break and ate one off of Santa’s plate.

She took out the rolls so they’d start rising,

the size of this Christmas meal would be surprising. 

She finished her work 

and gave a little smirk. 

Her favorite time of year, 

seeing her children’s eyes so full of cheer.

She said a short prayer to her Father above,

thanking Him for His love. 

She thanked Him for her little girl and boy;

her heart was so filled with joy.

And with an “Amen,” 

she reached for one more cookie again.

And then she turns off the tree lights, 

and looks around and thinks, “What a Merry Christmas night.”