
Mama, We Are All So Very Blessed

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Blessed is the mother who lays awake all night with worry. 

Her mind may race but her heart is big. 

Blessed is the mother who cries when her child cries, whether it’s a “boo-boo” or a bully that’s hurt her baby. 

She will comfort her child with the comfort that she receives from her Heavenly Father. 

Blessed is the mother who cleans and cleans without ever seeing the results in her home. Every which way she turns, she sees another mess trailing behind her. 

She will spend eternity in a house with many rooms prepared for her by her Father. 

Blessed is the mother who teaches her children from right and wrong. Who is constantly persevering to ensure her children are pointed in the right direction so they will not get lost when they are old. 

She will raise the next generation of disciples. 

Blessed is the mother who cares for her husband and is constantly ensuring he has everything he needs. 

She will be loved like no man has ever loved a woman before and her husband will praise her for all of her love and devotion. 

Blessed is the mother who is constantly running around keeping the house in order, managing activities for the children to keep them busy and in line. 

She will find rest with her Creator and peace in knowing that He is always with her throughout the day. 

Blessed is the mother whose day is full of diaper changing, bottle feeding, handing out snack after snack, and never stopping to feed herself or even to take a shower. 

She is blessed by her acts of love and selfless ways. She will be rewarded for always caring for others and putting their needs above her own. 

Mama, you are blessed beyond measure. And when the days feel long and your patience is wearing thin, just remember that you’re doing God’s work. You are raising and caring for His children. He handpicked you for this job. 

Mama, we are all so very blessed.

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