
I’m a Stay-at-Home Mom

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It’s 4 p.m. on a Thursday and I’m still in my pajamas.

I’m covered in formula, hair in a bun, and no makeup.

I haven’t cried yet today, but I’ve done my share of snapping and yelling (day’s not over yet though). 

I’m a stay-at-home mom.

That child zooming by in the background is hopped up on hot cocoa (which I regret giving him now) but thankfully Daddy will be off soon and he will somehow wrangle him up. 

The laundry is still in the basket waiting to be folded from two days ago.

The dishes are piled up and the fridge is getting empty because my 3-year-old just snacks all day long.

The T.V. has been on too much today and we’ll probably eat a frozen pizza for dinner.

My kid’s teeth haven’t been brushed yet and he’s ate way too many fruit snacks (oh and that’s right, the hot cocoa too).

I’m a stay-at-home mom.

And you know what? I wouldn’t trade it for the world.

I wouldn’t trade the leggings and t-shirt attire for the blazers and slacks.

I wouldn’t trade the messiness for a nice clean house.

I wouldn’t trade the screaming and yelling for a dream vacation.  

It’s not a season of my life that I had planned. My plan was to work and do something important outside these four walls, but God showed me I could still do important work in my pajamas. 

It’s not the most glamorous work, but it’s the work that He has called me to. He gave me these children, and although they drive me crazy some days, they’re a gift from Him so I’m going to treat them as such.  

I’m a stay-at-home mom. 

And I wouldn’t trade that job title for the world.