
I Pray He Changes the World

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He’s got big dreams right now.

As of right now, he wants to be a firefighter, a construction worker, AND a superhero.

He wants to do it all and he could.

He could be the next president or a doctor. He could be an engineer or a firefighter.

But those aren’t my dreams for him, at least not the ones at the top of my mind.

My hope is that he changes the world for the better, with just the small everyday things.

I pray he’s loving and kind.

I pray he’s quick to forgive and doesn’t hold grudges. 

I pray he’s slow to anger and that he’s the kind of man who promotes peace instead of hate.

I pray if anyone ever picks a fight with him, he turns the other cheek and offers grace instead.

I pray he loves Jesus and he leads his family to do the same.

I pray he’s a loving husband and a caring father.

I pray he changes the world, but not in the job title he holds.

I have big dreams for him . . .

And those big dreams consist of small things . . .

That will change this world.  

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