
Dear Son, I Pray You’ll be the Man of Her Dreams

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Photo credit Brittany Black Photography, Howell, MI

You are my dream come true. 

My baby boy and my little man. 

And while you’re my dream come true, I know one day you will be the man of her dreams. 

It pains me to think of this day because this will mean you’ll no longer be just mine but you will be hers. 

And oh how I pray of the husband that you will be. 

I pray you’ll be loving and kind to her. Be sensitive but yet strong so she always knows that you’ll be her steady rock when life gets rough. 

I pray you support her and her dreams. Be her encourager and give her the confidence that she can do whatever she sets her mind to. 

I pray you are her best friend. Don’t just look to her as your wife and mother of your children, look to her as your partner and friend. Lean on each other and support each other. 

I pray you make her a priority, even when parenthood comes into play and you begin to feel like there is no time for each other. Make the time. Do date nights regularly and spend the evenings with each other after tucking the kids into bed. 

I pray you’ll be a good father to your children. Be active in their lives and play with them. Don’t be afraid to get on the floor with them or to be silly. Get involved in their lives so they always know that their father supports them. 

One day, you’ll be hers and no longer mine. I pray that on that day, I’ve done a good job as a mother so that you can be the husband and father that she needs you to be. 

I pray that you’ll be the man of her dreams. 

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