Faith,  Motherhood

He Makes a Mama in 40 Weeks

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Photo by CE Photography, Billings, MT


It’s a number that has significance in the Bible. 

God sent rain for 40 days and 40 nights while Noah and his family hunkered down on the ark. 

The Israelites wandered around in the desert for 40 years after escaping Egypt before they could enter the promised land. 

Jesus spent 40 days fasting in the wilderness when He was tempted by Satan. 

And after Jesus was resurrected, He spent 40 days with His disciples before He ascended to Heaven. (And honestly I could name more!) 

But here’s where I’m going with this: A full-term pregnancy is forty weeks (forty LONG weeks). 

40 weeks of discomfort, nausea, peeing constantly, and fatigue. 

40 weeks of pain and anxiety, all leading up to the pain of childbirth (which we endure thanks to Eve biting into that fruit). 

Most of the time, in the Bible, that number 40 was signifying a trial or test; you could maybe argue the same for a woman going through a pregnancy. However, I believe God does more during those 40 weeks when a mama is growing her baby.

He transforms her and she grows into the mama she needs to be (those maternal instincts take over). 

He brings her closer to Him and teaches her that she can’t do this by her own strength. 

He grows a baby in her womb, yes, but He’s also growing that mama, too. 

He makes a mama out of her. 

All in 40 (long) weeks. 

(Author note: Yes, pregnancy is not the only way that God makes a mama. I do recognize that He grows us all into mothers whether it’s pregnancy or adoption. He still makes a mama out of her, no matter her journey. However, I am currently pregnant and this piece was inspired through my own experience.)

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