
My Children Are Allowed to Have Bad Days Too

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I had a day last week.

One of those mom rage days where every little thing was getting on my nerves.

We had a 3-day weekend with Dad and as soon as it was time for him to go back to work, it’s like my kids turned on me.

They were into everything.

They made mess after mess after me.

They were under my feet and would never leave me alone.

They even decided to have a joint tantrum, with full on kicking, screaming, and crying.

And that’s when I had to dismiss myself; go to the other room and just leave them soaking in their own tears. That’s when I needed a little quiet time for a prayer asking God to give me patience and to help me to give grace to my children.

It was then that I heard silence – no more crying.

I came out of the bedroom to find my children tearing apart a cabinet, stringing tupperware and bowls all about. 

I could’ve screamed because they were making a mess. I could’ve yelled at them and told them to get out of the kitchen so I could clean up yet another mess. I could’ve thrown my hands up in the air and lost it on them (again) but instead, I snapped a picture. Instead, I gave them that grace that I prayed about and I enjoyed it as a cute moment between my kids. 

Because the truth is, this pandemic has left all of us with cabin fever. I keep thinking about how hard it’s been on me that I forget that they’re experiencing it too. So, I decided that instead of letting the mom rage come out again, that I was going to give my kids a break because this pandemic is affecting them too.

Instead of letting a bad day get the best of me, I gave grace to my kids because they are allowed to have a bad day too.  

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