
A Daughter Will Always Need Her Mother

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A daughter will always need her mother, no matter how old she gets in life.

As children, we run to our moms when we hurt ourselves or when a bully hurts our feelings on the playground. Because we know – Mama can make it all better.

But as a grown woman in her 30’s, I can say that there have still been so many moments in my life where I’ve thought, “I just want my mommy.”

Moments where the world has felt so heavy and scary and the only one to comfort my fears is my mother.

Moments of being unsure of my own ability as a mother and needing the reassurance and advice that only my mom can give me.

And in the hard seasons of my life where I know there’s nothing she can do but, even still, I just want a hug from my mom.

Because a mother knows her child, inside and out. She knows what makes them tick. She knows their fears and their desires. She knows their deepest thoughts before their child is even able to say them out loud.

A mother is a source of comfort.

She’s the voice of reason to her child’s fears and doubts.

And she’s the ever caring heart that her child will always need.

Even when she becomes a mother herself, she’ll never be too old to still need her mom.

A daughter will always need her mother.

And that will never change.

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