I’m Not the Best Mom
“I’m not the best mom.”
I’ve heard moms say this, and it’s made me realize–why? What about you makes you not the “best?’
Is it because you let your kids eat sugary foods?
Is it because you let them stay up past nine o’clock instead of having them in bed by seven-thirty?
Is it because you let them sit in front of the T.V. or tablet too much today?
Is it because their rooms look like a tornado came through them?
Who defines the “best mom?”
Sis, I’m going to tell it to you straight: there is no best mom ever.
Nope, not humanly possible.
The only One who is the “best,” the all-time greatest person who ever lived–our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
He’s perfect–you are not.
So, while you beat yourself up over your performance as a mom, just remember to lean into the One who is perfect.
Because His grace is for you, like every single day.
He is the only One who defines your performance as a mom. And when you feel inadequate as a mother, He’s still cheering you on. He is still your biggest fan.
You may not be the best mom ever, but you surely are a worthy daughter of God.