
My Greatest Accomplishments in Life

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I used to have such aspirations for my life. 

I had dreams that I wanted to accomplish and I was driven to do what I felt like would make me the most happy. 

Sure, I planned on being a mother, but I was determined to not let motherhood get in the way of my dreams. 

And then I became a mom. 

You know how that goes. Priorities shift because, well, your whole world just changed.  

You almost feel like you’ve lost your identity when you become a mother, because you turn your whole life over to it. And while I wouldn’t trade a day of this job called motherhood, God has put dreams on my heart. They may be different dreams now since I’ve become a mother, but they’re still there. I’ve slowly found my identity outside of motherhood, but you know what else I’ve realized? 

Those two right there – they’re my greatest accomplishments in life. 

Sure, I’m going to chase my dreams and maybe I’ll reach them, or maybe I won’t. I’ll give it my best and if I fail, well, those two little ones will still be my greatest achievements. I’m not going to lose sight of what I’ve already done with my life. Nothing can compare to the very little lives that I’ve given birth to. 

Maybe I’ll accomplish my dreams some day or maybe I won’t, but either way I’ve already done something that is so wonderful, beautiful, messy, hard, miraculous, and rewarding with my life. 

Because right there, those are my greatest accomplishments. 

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