
Right There With Ya, Sister

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I long for the day when I don’t have to change a diaper and get diaper cream smeared under my fingernail (or worse, poop). 

I can’t wait for the day when my children sleep past 8 a.m. I’m not an early bird and never have been.

I long for the day when my children can blow their own noses or the day when I don’t find boogers smeared on my walls or furniture.

I’m waiting for when I can get a spa day. Just a pamper day to take care of the mess I’ve got going on.

I’m waiting for the day when my pre-pregnancy jeans fit again. I don’t mind my post-baby body, but it’s just a little small accomplishment to fit into those size 8’s again (I know, “dream-on girl”).

And while I love motherhood (I really do, I wouldn’t write about it if I didn’t), I long for the day I can go to the bathroom to do my thing without an audience trailing behind me.

I know I’m not alone in feeling this way. I know us moms don’t always love everything about motherhood. We just get tired and worn down. And so, we complain (even though one day we’ll wish we could go back in time). But motherhood can be very lonely and sometimes us moms just need the reassurance that we’re not alone in these feelings. Sometimes what we need is a “Right there with ya, sister!” Sometimes what we need the most is just a “me too” from another mom – just a little comfort that we’re not alone. 

I’m a mom of littles who is in the trenches of diapers, cold coffee, poopy fingers, snotty noses, bathroom entourage, leggings, and a messy bun kind of life. It’s hard. It’s messy. It’s exhausting. That’s the honest truth. 

And tonight, I’m just here to say, “I’m right there with ya, sister!” 

Me too.

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