Faith,  Motherhood


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No matter how many times I’ve peed on that stick, I always still find it hard to believe (hence why I take more than one test!). 

But here we are . . . pregnant.

The joy of knowing you’re growing a new life inside of you, it’s overwhelming. But then there’s the anxious thoughts that follow . . . 

What if I miscarry?

What if something goes wrong?

What if I have another premature birth?

What if . . . 

Then I remember: My God is not the God of “what-if”, He’s the God of “even if.” 

He is not shaken by the what-if’s in my mind because He already knows the outcome. 

And even if things don’t go the way that I planned, I know He’s still got me and this baby in His arms. I know this baby is still a gift straight from Him and I’m grateful. So darn grateful.  

He still blessed me with this baby.

He still chose me–and only me–to be the mother of this sweet babe. 

So, even if this pregnancy looks different from my others or from what I imagine–He is still good. 

(And yes, this is me announcing to you that baby #3 will be joining our family this spring!)