
Baby, You’re Perfect

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I counted the toes and the fingers.

I memorized those little eyes looking up at me, blinking as they tried to focus on this new world.

I examined the ears and the nose, looking for signs if they were Daddy’s or Mommy’s features.

I held you close to my chest so you could hear the sound of my heartbeat, a familiar sound to you.

I breathed in the smell of your sweet skin, in awe at the new life I had created. The little life that I had given birth to and was now entrusted into my care.

I fell instantly in love with you. My life was changed forever.

You were all mine and from that moment, you had me.

I took in every little moment, storing it to memory. 

I took in every little feature that God created uniquely to you. 

And baby, all I could say is . . . 

You’re perfect.