Faith,  Motherhood

I Feel God’s Presence Everywhere in Motherhood

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Photo by Sixpence Photography by Kristy in Howell, MI

I used to only feel God’s presence in a church. But not just any church, the kind of church where there are stained glass windows and an altar. You know, the cathedral-type.

The rest of the world just felt quiet . . . and then I became a mother.

Now I feel Him everywhere – I see Him in everything.

I caught a glimpse of Him when I first held my baby to my chest. Feeling my heart being filled with that unconditional love that He has for us. Knowing what it must feel like to be Him and to have that never-ending love for your child. 

I see His goodness when my children start playing together and they’re laughing so hard they can’t catch their breath.

I feel Him when I watch them sleep. Seeing those sweet, angelic faces as those little ones are dreaming, well, it just renews my faith all over again because I know these children are straight from Him.  

I feel His grace in the heart of my toddler who is so quick to forgive and never holds any grudges. I know that God forgives just the same and even though it’s sometimes hard for me to forgive myself, He already has. 

I see His plan and purpose play out in my life, knowing that motherhood was what He anticipated for me from the beginning. 

I feel His peace when I’m snuggling my kids. Feeling their little hearts beat against my chest, knowing that they are safe from any harm or evil in the world. I feel at peace in that moment with them in my arms. 

I feel Him renewing me every day when I feel too tired to get up and do the same mundane motions of motherhood all over again. I feel Him giving me patience when I feel my anger rising as I’m in the midst of a toddler tantrum. 

He’s there through it all. 

He’s not just in that fancy church with the steeple. 

He’s there – He’s everywhere – in motherhood. 

And how grateful I am that He’s right there with me through it all.