You’re Still, And Always Will Be, My Forever
It’s crazy to look back at how far we’ve come.
Looking back, we were just two kids, really, trying to figure out life together. We didn’t know where it would lead. We probably didn’t even think it would last this long but it did.
And now, look at all of the blessings that it’s brought. Our little family, it’s the greatest gift that God could ever bless us with.
Some would say that we were too young.
Some would say that we were too similar or that we bickered too much.
Some would say that we should’ve dated around more.
But God didn’t say any of that.
He had a plan and it was no accident when He brought you and me together.
It led us here – to now.
And as all of the years go by, we grow stronger together. We’re better together because God created us to be together. He knew we’d bring out the best in each other.
It’s crazy to look back and see how far we’ve come . . .
And, at the same time, not much has changed.
You’re still first on my mind in the morning and in every prayer before bed.
You’ll be the last one I kiss and the last “I love you” on my lips.
You’re still, and always will be, my forever.