Marriage,  Motherhood

Dear Husband, Thank You For Always Knowing What I Need

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It was past five o’clock.

Actually, it was 5:30 p.m. to be exact and you were late.

I didn’t even say “hi.” I just passed off the kid to you to change her diaper and I went on about helping your son pick up his room because he was not listening. And then I darted off to the kitchen to cook dinner in peace.

You didn’t complain.

You weren’t annoyed that there was no, “Hi, honey! How was your day?”

You just took the kids and did what I told you.

You knew not to ask questions.

You knew I was spent.

You knew that the day had just dragged on for forever and 5:30 was just too long for me. 

You just knew.

And for that, I love that you’re my husband. I love you for just knowing what I need and to not second-guess what to do.

I love that you give me the breaks I need and you rarely ever complain about a break for yourself. You’re the one who works all day and you still are so focused on me and my needs.

And I just love you for that.

You’re the best partner I could’ve imagined having in this game called parenthood.

So thank you, baby, for just knowing what I need and making it happen.

Even though you were late today, you more than make up for it every day with all that you do for our family. 

Thank you for being the best husband and daddy ever.