
They Wouldn’t Change a Thing

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The couple in this photo were anxiously awaiting the arrival of their first baby.

The day that they’d be parents.

The parent gene had already kicked in and they were waiting for the day when they could hold that little baby. The day their whole world would change. Their world, their marriage, and their everything.

They’d have less time for romance, but more time marveling at the little life they had just created.

They’d have less time for staying up and watching T.V., but more time snuggling with each other as their heads crashed onto their pillows, passing out from exhaustion.

They’d have less time for date nights, but nights filled with family time at home.

They’d have less time for conversations, traded in for crying and screaming at the dinner table.

They’d lose themselves in parenthood and have less time for each other, yes. 

But they’d persevere because they both have one thing in common: their love for their family.

Their commitment to their children and to each other keeps them going.

They get up every day and choose each other all over again.

And they push through the diapers, tantrums, and the mess of the house to find each other every day.

After all these years of the hard and exhausting parenthood life, they still love each other very much. 

And they wouldn’t go back and change a single thing.

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