Faith,  Motherhood

God Blessed Me With One of Each

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Image by Sixpence Photography by Kristy, Howell, MI

God blessed me with one of each. 

Some mamas are either all boy mom or all girl mom, but I got blessed with both. 

God knew I needed someone as stubborn as me to teach me patience. Someone that would challenge me as a mother, but would also teach me to calm down more and just have fun. 

And so, God gave me my daughter. 

God knew I needed someone to teach me how to relax more. Someone who could show me how to have fun, act silly, worry less, and just enjoy motherhood. 

And so, God gave me my son. 

God blessed me with one of each. 

I get princess dresses and superhero capes. 

I get to play tea party and trip over Legos on the floor. 

I get to paint her nails and braid her hair. 

I get to wash the mud off his face and make him wear the tie at Christmas to make him look like a handsome, little man. 

I get to one day go shopping with her for a wedding dress. 

And I get to one day dance with him on his wedding day. 

God gave me one of each . . . 

And how blessed I am that He did.

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