
I’m the Overprotective Mom

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I’m an overprotective parent. 

I’ll be the first to say it. 

If I’m being honest, you could probably call me one of those “helicopter parents.” (You know, the ones who hover over their kids’ every move.)

I’m the mom who isn’t sitting on her phone at the playground, but I’m right next to my kid, watching him climb up the rock wall and standing there waiting to catch him if he falls. 

I’m the mom who puts limits on screen time and I research what they’re watching and make sure I find it appropriate. 

I’m the mom who’s apprehensive any time strangers come near her kids. 

I’m the mom who carries hand sanitizer everywhere she goes (thank you, COVID). 

I’m the mom who obsesses over every little “ouchie” her kids get and I’m tending to it with the peroxide, Neosporin, and band-aids, even if it’s just a scrape. 

I’m the mom who has her eyes peeled to the one kid who puts everything in her mouth. I’m constantly fishing things out of her mouth instead of just letting her swallow it and “building her immunity.” 

I’m an overbearing mom, yes, I know. 

My life’s experiences mixed with raising littles during a pandemic have made me this way. 

And whether you’re the overprotective mom, the laid-back mom, the “crunchy” mom with all her organic snacks, the perfectionist mom, the by-the-book mom, the fun mom, or the do-it-all mom – you’re still a mom who loves her kids with all she’s got. 

Your life’s experiences, decisions, and preferences on raising children may be different than mine, and that’s okay. We’re all different mamas doing what’s best for our own families. 

Your motherhood style may look different than mine, but the way you love your kids is just the same. 

Unconditionally and with our whole hearts . . .  

Until our last breath.