
Mama, It’s All Okay

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Mama, it’s okay.

It’s okay if you’re a mom who doesn’t get on the floor with your kids to play with them all the time. It’s also okay if you’re not the mom who doesn’t do learning activities every day and you don’t have a full schedule planned for the kids all the time. 

Your kids are going to be just fine. You may be panicked that they are somehow behind, but they’re going to be fine. 

It’s okay if you’re the mom who has never cleaned her light fixtures or dusted the moldings. (Yeah, me too!)

God bless that mess. That house is full of memories and that’s what’s important. 

It’s okay if you’re the mom who hasn’t vacuumed in over a week and the floor is overtaken with crumbs and there’s a questionable stickiness to be found on the couch.

In the words of Jesus, “You are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed—or indeed only one.” (Luke 10:41-42). You’ve chosen more important things, like spending time with Jesus and your kids. Your job is to love them. 

It’s okay if you’re a mom who has days where the T.V. is on too much, so as to give you a break for yourself.

You deserve a break. You deserve to relax every once and a while. It’s okay to have a day where you all just chill out. 

It’s okay if you’re the mom who counts down the minutes on the clock, waiting for your husband to walk through that door.

Those days feel LONG, don’t they? It’s okay if you’re longing for that adult interaction at the end of the day, and you’re needing your husband to take the kids off your hands because they’re driving you nuts. 

It’s all okay. 

Take it from another mom who has felt all of this and has been consumed with guilt for feeling this way – it’s ALLLL okay. 

You’re allowed to feel all of these feelings. 

It’s okay to not love every minute of motherhood. 

You’re still the exact mom that God wanted for those kids. 

So, Mama, it’s all okay.

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