
Where’s the Mom Tribe?

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You wanna know what’s one of the hardest things as a stay-at-home mom? 

The loneliness. 

Seriously, where’s the mom tribe at? Don’t get me wrong, I love spending my days with my kids. I really do; but having a conversation that’s just a little bit more stimulating than “Stop wiping your boogers on my walls” is something we moms long for. 

I had this realization recently as I realized I was trying to schedule playdates so I could make friends, not necessarily just my kids. If I were to take a guess here, I’m betting a lot you stay-at-home moms can relate to me on this one. 

We want the kind of friend who embraces the messy house and enters it as if it’s the comfort of her own home. 

We want a friend who, after seeing that we’ve had a hard day, is like, “Hey, let me take the kids off your hands for a little bit” or “Hey, I ran to Starbucks for you. Here you go!” 

We want a Target run kind of friend who’s like, “Hey, I know it’s only been two days, but want to run to Target again with me? I’m sure we’ll find something we need.” 

We want a friend who will pray for us and with us. The friend who loves Jesus and will constantly help point us back to Him. 

We want a friend who says, “Girl, you’re not alone in your struggles. I’m struggling too, and Jesus still loves us. Gosh, I’m grateful He does!”

And maybe you’ve got your group of friends–that’s awesome, truly, I’m happy for you! But if you’re like me and you struggle making friends as a grown woman, well, I’m right there with you. 

I’m praying for all of the stay-at-home moms out there who haven’t found their village yet.

She’s out there somewhere, my friend.

And she can’t wait to see your messy house.