
Ask Away, Little One. Let Me Teach You About The World

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You asked a lot of questions today. You ask a lot of questions everyday these days but today was more than usual. Like to the point where I wanted to bang my head against a wall. Everything was a “what” or a “where” question. And every time I was trying to do something, you were full of questions.

“What’s a flower do?”

“Where’d the train go?”

“What’s the lake do?”

“Where’d the clouds go?

“What do Mom?”

And your favorite question, “What’s that noise?”

It was like 50 questions today and I just wanted to snap and say, “I don’t know, you’re annoying me.”

But just as I was answering what a restaurant does, I took a deep breath and remembered, I’m you’re only teacher now. 

I’m the only one you have a conversation with all day long. I’m all you’ve got right now to teach you stuff (with some Dad help in evenings and weekends of course).

You’re not going to daycare so there is no interaction with other children. There are no other teachers to work with you on your shapes and numbers.

Your days of arts and crafts and reading books have soon become too much TV and playing with things like the vacuum or the hose outside while we do chores around the house.

This time that I’m spending with you everyday, I’m supposed to be molding and teaching you.

The answers to questions like “Who made the world?” and “What does this do?” or why does something work this way; I’m the only source of knowledge for you.

My job has shifted to not only full-time mama but to teacher (and if I don’t teach you to potty train well no one will!). And teaching doesn’t always come in the form of flash cards, books, and practicing our ABC’s (something we also struggle with).

No teaching can take many forms.

Not all classrooms have walls or need desks.

Not all curriculums need to include books and writing.

Not all problem solving skills activities need to include a puzzle.

Not all art activities need paint and crayons (sometimes cookies and frosting will do).

Not all toys have to be labeled “educational,” when you use your imagination, you’re learning anyways.

No, teaching doesn’t have to be so formal. It can be as simple as the answers to all of your questions, day in and day out.

So ask away little one. Let me teach you all about the world.

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