
Home is With the Father

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I’m homesick.

I had this thought recently. The feelings of feeling out of place; not where I belong. It’s unsettling for sure. And to be honest, I don’t think I’ve ever felt like I belong anywhere. Ever since I was a kid, there was always a feeling of not feeling like I belonged anywhere. 

And that’s when it hit me: I’m homesick because this world is not my home. 

There is nowhere here on earth that will ever feel like home because my home is out of this world, with my Father. 

Sure, there are places here on earth where His beauty is on display. 

And there are warm places filled with family and loved ones that feel like home. 

But home is in Heaven–it ain’t here. 

Creation was separated from the Creator when sin first showed up, and ever since, we’re just aching for home. 

That’s why I’m grateful for a Savior who showed up to pave the way for me and became a bridge to home. His blood paid the cost that I never could’ve made. 

I’m grateful home is in eyesight and my eyes are fixed on it. 

I’m homesick and I will be until the day I see His face.

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