
You’re Doing a Great Job

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“I just want to let you know, you’re doing a great job. I know it’s hard but you’re doing great.”

Those were the words of a stranger at Target as I was in the midst of my 4-year-old having a little fit.

And they were the exact words I needed at that moment.

“Thank you,” I said, trying to hold back the tears. “I’m trying to do my best.”

And that’s all you can do, every day. Your best.

There are days where I don’t handle things well and I lose my cool, that’s for sure. But all I can do is keep trying.

And us moms, we have to cheer each other on and give each other the affirmation that we’ve “got this.”

We have to remind each other that we’re doing a great job, especially on the days where we feel like we’re getting everything wrong.

We’re in this together.

It takes a village, they say. Even if that village is a stranger in the line for a Starbucks at Target. 

We’ve got this.

We are good moms.