Faith,  Motherhood

Our Great Mediator

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I’ve done my fair share of mediating lately. 

Sibling bickery at its finest, let me tell you. 

He took her toy. 

She smacked him. 

He pushed her over. 

She screamed in his ear. 

You know, that kind of stuff. 

And I’ve got to be honest, it’s driving me nuts. 

I just want them to figure it all out and love each other all the time, is that too much to ask?

And then I imagine God’s job every day. How much meditation does He do every day? 

“Lord, she hurt my feelings when she said that.”

“God, why can’t she just understand where I’m coming from?”

“Father, forgive me for saying what I just said to him. I know I shouldn’t have done that, but he pushed me over the edge.” 

And I imagine Him saying, “Girl, get over it.” (Not really, I’m kidding. But I’m sure some days He’d love to.)

Every day, the Holy Spirit is interceding and mediating us. He’s nudging us towards forgiveness. He’s reminding us of His grace and how we should offer that grace to others. He’s pushing us towards each other because He knows we need each other. We need Him. 

I pray my kids get along, but the example starts with me.  

By extending forgiveness 77 times to all who have wronged me in some respect.