Faith,  Motherhood

My Kids’ Salvation is Not All Up to Me

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My kids’ salvation is not all up to me. 

(Hear me out here, okay?)

I had this realization lately, and let me tell you, it’s definitely put my mind at ease and lifted some stress. Let me explain.

As mamas in Christ, we think it all falls on us, and to a certain extent it does. (Don’t get me wrong here, we have a job to do and it is discipling our children.) 

But how many times do we think: I’m going to screw it up? It’s all on me. 

How many times do we beat ourselves up because we said something or did something, and we believe that we’ll somehow “ruin” our kids. 

Yes, we have to take our kids to church. Yes, we have to read their Bibles to them and sing “Jesus Loves Me” with them. Yes, we have to make sure they’re learning how to pray and saying grace before meals. Yes, we need to teach them by showing them how to love like Jesus. Yes, we need to do all that we can to raise disciples and point them to Christ. 

But . . . 

You’re not going to ruin God’s plans. 

Nothing that you say (or don’t say), do (or don’t do), or “mess up” in any way–none of it will thwart God’s plans. 

(And all the mamas took a sigh of relief there!) 

You can’t screw it up, Mama. And even if you do somehow push your kids away from Jesus, well, our God is still the God of impossible. His plans don’t get messed up. He’s not up there thinking, “Good grief, she screwed it all up.” Nope. He’s got it. 

All you can do is point them to Jesus. 

After that, it’s all on the work of the Holy Spirit in their lives. And when they’re grown and gone, it’s on your child to maintain that relationship–that foundation–in which you helped build in their lives. You plant the seeds, and God will grow the fruit. End of story. 

God will take it from there.