
Soon She Won’t be the Baby Anymore

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Soon she won’t be the baby of the house anymore. 

I honestly have no idea how she’s going to take it (although I assume there will be some jealousy). 

She’s my second kid, so I’ve gone through the feelings of guilt when I had her and wondering how I could possibly have love in my heart for a second child–but God just stretched my heart bigger (as He does with every baby He blesses a mama with). 

But still . . . I know this will change things for her.

She’s still going to try and squish herself up on my lap while I’m holding a newborn.

She’s going to cry when Daddy has to put her to bed instead of Mommy because Mommy is feeding a baby. 

She’s going to have a hard time trying to be quiet while the baby is taking a nap. 

And don’t even get me started on how much she is not going to like being the center of attention. 

But I know, eventually (after some adjusting), she’s going to love being the big sister and helper. 

Helping Mommy change diapers and give baths to the baby. 

Helping Mommy feed the baby and hold the baby. 

Helping Mommy push the stroller as we go for walks and pretend that it’s “her baby.”

Soon she won’t be the baby anymore, she’s going to be the big sister. 

And it’s a job I know she’ll be great at.