Marriage,  Motherhood

I Fall More in Love With Him

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I don’t think I’ve ever felt closer to my husband than after I’ve given birth.

Sure, there’s our wedding day. And yeah, there’s other days that commemorate our relationship, like the day we got engaged or our first date. 

But there’s something about that moment when you see your baby for the first time–who’s a little bit of me and a little bit of him–and you look at your husband who is just filled with joy.

You watch as he cuts the cord and his eyes are tearing up.

You see him as he watches you hold the baby to your chest, and he’s eagerly waiting his turn to hold the baby. 

You see his eyes light up when he does finally get to hold the baby; he’s beaming ear to ear.

He carefully dotes over you as you recover, and changes all the poopy diapers so you can pump. 

He’s willing to do whatever–all for you and that baby.

I’ve felt closer to my husband each time after I’ve given birth. 

And if anything, I fall more in love with him because of the amazing dad he is.

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