
I’ll Always Remember This Season

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“I’m always going to remember this season of my life,” I thought to myself. 

My son was yammering about something silly (you know, the way toddlers do). And my daughter was just as happy as could be in the stroller. 

And all I could think was: God, thank You for this time with my babies. 

For some moms, the stay-at-home mom life isn’t for them. I totally respect that, we’re all different moms. And some moms have to work to financially contribute to their household; totally understandable as well. 

But for me, God gave me the heart of a stay-at-home mom. 

It wasn’t a season of my life I had planned, that’s for sure. But I sure am grateful God steered me in this direction because this time with my littles: I know I’ll never get it back. 

I won’t get back all of the cuddles with one kid in each arm. Even if it means there is always someone on my lap, one day they’ll be too big to fit there. 

I won’t get back all of the memories from learning our ABCs to the not-so-fun potty training moments. 

I won’t get back all of the hilarious toddler conversations. Seriously, there are some laugh-out-loud moments when you’re seeing life through the eyes of a 3-year-old. Those are the moments that make life so beautiful and filled with joy. It changes your perspective of the world too when you’re looking at it through the eyes of a child. 

I won’t get back all of the moments where we’re snuggling up, reading our children’s Bible, and having conversations about what Heaven will be like. As a mama who loves Jesus, there’s nothing more important than that. 

Sure, I have an entourage in the bathroom and there is ZERO privacy or a moment to myself. And yes, there are days where it’s harder than others. Days where I long for adult interaction. Days where my kids are driving me crazy and the tantrums are never-ending. Days where I just want to lock myself up in my bedroom and wait for 5 o’clock to come around. 

But those little moments – the moments I won’t get back – those moments far outweigh the hard days. It’s all precious time spent at home with my kiddos. It’s time I’ll never get back. 

I’m blessed to be a stay-at-home mom. 

And I know I’ll always cherish this season of my life.